Manx Law

Why is Manx Law so Different?

Some areas of Manx Law relevant to injury are entirely peculiar to the Isle of Man. For example,unlike England and Wales,there is strict liability for damage caused by a dog but conversely no liability for damage caused by a general deterioration of the highway in the absence of an identifiable party who has actively caused a defect.

Other areas are similar to the law in other countries. The law in relation to falls on the highway most closely resembles the position in the Republic of Ireland and the law in relation to medical negligence most closely resembles the position in England.

This is probably because of the influence of different countries and peoples who have variously invaded and settled in the Isle of Man.

What About Manx Lawyers?

The law is administered by Deemsters (High Court Judges). Unlike nearby countries, we do not have different lawyers to prepare (solicitors) and present (barristers) cases in court. In the Isle of Man we have one lawyer from start to finish called an advocate.

Manx Legal Costs

This is the subject people get most worried about. Although it is understandable, law costs in the Isle of Man is in many respects much simpler than in neighbouring countries – you are either a private client or legally aided. Even if you are not Manx you can apply for Manx legal aid. If you are not eligible for legal aid then you are a private client. We can discuss with you ways of making that affordable. The majority of successful claimants get their compensation and most if not all of their costs back on a successful conclusion of their case.

So called “No Win No Fee” (England) and “No Foal No Fee” (Eire) arrangements are not lawful in the Isle of Man. If you contact us we will provide you with detailed advice about legal costs tailored to your individual needs. It is not an issue that should put a sensible person off taking a bona fide claim forward.

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